Monday, January 26, 2015

Taste of the Inside: Sneaking between the pages #4

Good news! I have been writing. *throws confetti* A lot, that's been writing a lot not that I'm throwing a lot of confetti. That would just be a mess and I ain't got time to clean up any messes. 

Anyways.... easily distracted here, a couple of updates. I am now 25% complete with the first draft of Deceived!!! *throws more confetti* 

*looks at floor* You know I may have to reconsider how I celebrate. Maybe I should just shower myself in chocolate. That would be more rewarding and much easier clean up! Ha

Second, Deceived now has an ending. Well, I haven't written it yet, but I have the outline complete. And guys, this ending is going to be so HUGE, EPIC, Awesome, HUGE and, and, GIGANTIC! You get the idea right? I am really excited for the way that this one is going. I am having fun and so are the characters. 

And speaking of characters, you ready for a teaser????

Earlier tonight I asked Facebook and Twitter who they would like to see teasers from, the resounding answer was Jasper! I am so glad you all like him as much as I do. He really is my favorite character in this series. And guess what? You get a lot more of him in Deceived! Yay! *happy dances all around* (knew you would be pleased)

Please remember all teasers are unedited and may be changed. This is only the first draft. 

Here is one for all you Jasper fans.....

My eyes snapped open when my head jerked, must have fallen asleep. I was in worse condition than I thought. Using the wall as leverage I pushed myself to a standing position and headed down the hall again. I made it ten steps when I had to lean against the wall for another rest. At this rate I was going to reach the end of the hall tomorrow.

“If this hall didn’t last forever, I swear I would be there already,” I whispered to myself.

“Jasper, what are you doing?” Cai asked coming around the corner.

My eyes fluttered open. I must have dozed off again.

“Oh you know, hanging around.”

Cai came to my side and wrapped her arm around my waist and draped my arm over her shoulder. “Only you can crack jokes when you are half dead.”

“It’s all part of the charm.”

“Back to bed,” Cai said as she began to turn me back to the way I came.

I stopped moving. “No.”

“Jasper, you almost killed yourself. You need to rest. We can talk later.”

I knew she was right, but I was too stubborn to admit that to her.

“We… talk, now,” I breathed out.

“Fine, but don’t blame me when you catch your death.” Cai turned around and slowly carried… dragged my limp body down the hall. I did my best to help, but truthfully I couldn’t tell if I was helping or not.

Cai placed me in a soft white chair in what appeared to be a sitting room. I wanted to make some snide comment about their lack of color choices, but the chair was soft, it begged me to sleep. I felt myself drift as Cai whispered to someone in hushed tones. The voices and room faded as darkness again claimed me. This time I didn’t fight it. I knew when I woke I would get my answers.
Copyright © Danielle Young 2015

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Inside Scoop: Writing Space

Today we are going to do something a little different. Usually I post teases here. Okay so that's all I post, but my goal is to make this a place where you can get to know me as well as my books. To kick things off today I am going to give you a look at my writing space.

Pretty isn't it???

Obviously the above picture is my overall space. Let me break it down a little and highlight some important areas.

First there is my inspiration wall. It is where I put some swag and notes from some of my favorite authors. Naturally not all of them are represented, but there are a lot of them there. 

my precious
I use this wall to help inspire me whenever I'm feeling like I just can't do it. Each of these authors did it, and continue to do it. They give me the strength to push through.

Then we have my writing wall. 

I think I need an eye exam
Why is it blurry you ask? Easy, those little post-its represent things that need to happen in Deceived. I can't very well have you figuring out all my secrets :)

And then we have the area where all the magic happens. 

Magic happens here!
There are a few things that I need in order to write. Besides the obvious (my laptop), I need my notes (the pile to the right of said laptop), a beverage--preferably one with caffeine, and headphones. I can't write without music. That part is huge and an absolute must. I lied, all of those things are a must. I would shrivel to nothing without them as a writer.

Well there you have it! The inside look. And now I have to get back to writing. Deceived is not going to write itself!

Anything else you want know, just ask and I will be sure to put it on the blog! 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Taste of the Inside: Sneaking between the Pages #3

Well hidey-ho neighbor! It's that time again. Time for another look at Deceived. 

I am happy to report that I am now 11969 words into book 2. Of course my goal is 80000 so I have a ton more to go. But the good news is that I am writing more. I am trying to sit down everyday and put words on the page. Of course that was detoured a little last weekend as I came down with the flu, but I am getting there. 

So, do you want a peek at what I've been writing????? Well do ya, do ya? Okay, I'll take your silence as a resounding yes.

Please remember that what I'm sharing with you has not been edited and may change.

“You’re trying to tell me that you were in two places in once?” Mickey asked, her voice heavy with sarcasm.

“It sounds crazy when you say like that.” I looked down at my hands unsure of myself. “Maybe I am crazy.” I whispered.

“You are not crazy Jo.” I looked at Jasper, tears swimming in my eyes. He looked away and ran his wrapped hand through his hair. “You were definitely in that room Jo, I felt it.” My breath caught when Jasper looked at me, there was so much love shining in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced with uncertainty, sadness, anger, and fear once he realized I caught him looking at me.

It was my turn to look away. I knew I was to blame for most of those emotions, but I didn’t know how to fix it. I was afraid. Afraid that it was already too late to fix what I screwed up, that he wanted nothing to do with me. That’s what scared me the most. Losing him. Just the thought of it made my heart pound and my chest tighten.
Copyright Danielle Young © 2015

Things are definitely changing for Jo and Jasper and I can't wait to share them with you... of course you are going to have to wait until the book comes out to read them all.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Things Need to be Said

Welcome to the New Year and to what I hope will be a productive and creative year for everyone. 2014 was definitely a whirlwind year that brought me the highest of highs and then dropped me off a mountain and it all happened before I even knew what was happening. I published my first book last year, duh, that's why you are all here, but shortly after hitting publish I froze. I got lost in the fear of... well everything and I shut down everything that didn't relate to the problems that stared me in the face everyday. 

I pushed away everything that made me happy and that gave me an outlet, reading, writing, gaming, writing (yes I said that twice), blogging. Instead I let life kick me in the proverbial balls and instead of fighting back I just curled up in a ball and vegetated. But I am beginning to come back, slowly but surely. Something ignited my fight instinct and I began to claw my way out. It could be that I had a vacation from work so I was finally able to breathe. Whatever it was I'm thankful for it and I am determined to not let it happen again. 

Now I have to get back into everything. I have already started blogging with a vengeance and now it is time to get back to Jo and Jasper. They have a story that is dying to be told. And you as readers deserve to hear the rest of that story. I know I left you with a huge cliffhanger and I promise that I will be working on Deceived with diligence. 

As of now I can't tell you any idea on when it will be complete because truthfully I am lucky if I can manage to write more than a 100 words a week. Breaks as a writer are like poison. Once it seeps into your bloodstream the story disappears. And it takes a lot of hard work to recover, but I am trying. 

I have made some progress in that I have managed to write almost 2,000 words in the past two weeks. The bad news is that I'm pretty sure that most of it is utter crap. But I promise you I will keep at it and I will do better at keeping you posted.

Here are some numbers to give you an idea of where I'm at with Deceived:
I am currently at 10,327 words into the first draft with the final word goal being about 80,000. 

As you can see I have a way to go. And speaking of having a way to go I actually have some writing to do. I promised myself that I would try to write 20 minutes a day. Time for me to get on it, but before I go how about a little tease from Deceived? I know it has been a while.

Many of you expressed interest in seeing more of the Watchers from Guided, this next little snippet is a scene that will lead to many more interactions involving Dom, enjoy! Please keep in mind that this is completely unedited and may change.

“She hates me. Blames me for… I don’t know, everything.” I slouched defeated in the chair and stared at the stars. Why? Why the hell did this have to happen to me? I swear the universe is mocking me.

“She’ll get over it.” I turned to look at Dom, who was also slouched down in his chair staring at the stars. “You’ll woo her with your Angel charms and all will be forgiven.”
I threw his pack of cigarettes, hitting him in the chest and we both doubled over in laughter. 

© Danielle Young 2015

Happy New Year!